
Applies to:Fast Math Parser
Class for retrieving arguments passed to a callback, returning a value, and more
Class member Description
Arg Returns the value of an argument passed to a uCalc.Callback function
ArgAddr Returns the address of the argument value that is being passed
ArgCount Returns the number of arguments being passed to a uCalc.Callback function
ArgExpr Returns the object instance of the expression that's passed as an argument to a uCalc.Callback function+++Example
ArgInt32 Returns the Int32 integer argument passed to a uCalc.Callback function
ArgInt64 Returns the Int64 integer argument being passed to a uCalc.Callback function
ArgObj Returns an object instance of the argument being passed to a uCalc.Callback function
ArgPtr Returns a Pointer value being passed as an argument to a uCalc.Callback function
ArgStr Returns the value being passed as argument in to a uCalc.Callback function in form of a string
ErrorRaise Raises an error in a uCalc.Callback function
ErrorRaiseMessage Raises an error with a user-defined message in a uCalc.Callback function
ExprPartHandle Handle of the expression part the current callback instance is refering to
GetuCalc Returns the uCalc instance the current expression part belongs to
Handle Returns the handle of the sub expression passed to the callback
OpItem Returns the function or operator Item of the current expression part
Return Sets the return value (default floating point) of a uCalc.Callback function
ReturnInt32 Sets the return value of a uCalc.Callback function as an Int32 integer
ReturnInt64 Sets the return value of a uCalc.Callback function as an Int64 integer
ReturnPtr Sets the return value of a uCalc.Callback function as a Pointer
ReturnStr Sets the return value of a uCalc.Callback function as a String
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