
Applies to:Fast Math Parser
Returns the text data associated with a uCalc.Item
Certain items, such as a syntax construct defined with DefineSyntax have a text property that can be retrieved with a call to this function.
Example 1: returning data type names for the different definitions of the "+" operator

Dim PlusOperator = uc.GetItemOf("+")

while PlusOperator.ItemHandle <>  0 

   Console.WriteLine("Def: " + PlusOperator.Text() + "  Type: " + PlusOperator.GetDataType().Name())
   PlusOperator = PlusOperator.NextOverload()
End while

' Output
' Def: Operator_: 70 +{x}  Type: double
' Def: Operator_: 50 {x} + {y}  Type: double
' Def: Operator_: 50 {x As Int32} + {y As Int32} As Int32  Type: Int32
' Def: Operator_: 50 {x As String} + {y As String} As String  Type: string
' Def: Operator_: 50 {x} + {y As Complex} As Complex  Type: complex
' Def: Operator_: 50 {x As Complex} + {y} As Complex  Type: complex
' Def: Operator_: 50 {x As Complex} + {y As Complex} As Complex  Type: complex


var PlusOperator = uc.GetItemOf("+");

while (PlusOperator.ItemHandle != null) {
   Console.WriteLine("Def: " + PlusOperator.Text() + "  Type: " + PlusOperator.GetDataType().Name());
   PlusOperator = PlusOperator.NextOverload();
// Output
// Def: Operator: 70 +{x}  Type: double
// Def: Operator: 50 {x} + {y}  Type: double
// Def: Operator: 50 {x As Int32} + {y As Int32} As Int32  Type: Int32
// Def: Operator: 50 {x As String} + {y As String} As String  Type: string
// Def: Operator: 50 {x} + {y As Complex} As Complex  Type: complex
// Def: Operator: 50 {x As Complex} + {y} As Complex  Type: complex
// Def: Operator: 50 {x As Complex} + {y As Complex} As Complex  Type: complex


//var PlusOperator = uc.GetItemOf('+');

      while PlusOperator.ItemHandle <>  0  do
         WriteLn('Def: ' + PlusOperator.Text() + '  Type: ' + PlusOperator.GetDataType().Name());
         PlusOperator = PlusOperator.NextOverload();

      // Output
// Def: Operator_: 70 +{x}  Type: double
// Def: Operator_: 50 {x} + {y}  Type: double
// Def: Operator_: 50 {x As Int32} + {y As Int32} As Int32  Type: Int32
// Def: Operator_: 50 {x As String} + {y As String} As String  Type: string
// Def: Operator_: 50 {x} + {y As Complex} As Complex  Type: complex
// Def: Operator_: 50 {x As Complex} + {y} As Complex  Type: complex
// Def: Operator_: 50 {x As Complex} + {y As Complex} As Complex  Type: complex


auto PlusOperator = uc.GetItemOf("+");

while (PlusOperator.ItemHandle != NULL) {
   cout << "Def: " << PlusOperator.Text() << "  Type: " << PlusOperator.GetDataType().Name() << endl;
   PlusOperator = PlusOperator.NextOverload();
// Output
// Def: Operator: 70 +{x}  Type: double
// Def: Operator: 50 {x} + {y}  Type: double
// Def: Operator: 50 {x As Int} + {y As Int} As Int  Type: int
// Def: Operator: 50 {x As String} + {y As String} As String  Type: string
// Def: Operator: 50 {x} + {y As Complex} As Complex  Type: complex
// Def: Operator: 50 {x As Complex} + {y} As Complex  Type: complex
// Def: Operator: 50 {x As Complex} + {y As Complex} As Complex  Type: complex


auto PlusOperator = uc.GetItemOf("+");

while (PlusOperator.ItemHandle != 0) {
   Console::WriteLine("Def: " + PlusOperator.Text() + "  Type: " + PlusOperator.GetDataType().Name());
   PlusOperator = PlusOperator.NextOverload();
// Output
// Def: Operator: 70 +{x}  Type: double
// Def: Operator: 50 {x} + {y}  Type: double
// Def: Operator: 50 {x As Int} + {y As Int} As Int  Type: int
// Def: Operator: 50 {x As String} + {y As String} As String  Type: string
// Def: Operator: 50 {x} + {y As Complex} As Complex  Type: complex
// Def: Operator: 50 {x As Complex} + {y} As Complex  Type: complex
// Def: Operator: 50 {x As Complex} + {y As Complex} As Complex  Type: complex

Example 2: Inspecting the parts of a syntax construct

uc.DefineSyntax("This {etc} ::= That")
' Note that the SkipExpansion arg is set to true for this Syntax construct
Console.WriteLine(uc.GetItemOf("This", 0, true).Text()) ' Returns "ChangeMulti ~~ Syntax: This {etc} ::= That"
Console.WriteLine(uc.GetItemOf("This", 0, true).ReplacementText()) ' Returns "That"


uc.DefineSyntax("This {etc} ::= That");
// Note that the SkipExpansion arg is set to true for this Syntax construct
Console.WriteLine(uc.GetItemOf("This", 0, true).Text()); // Returns "ChangeMulti ~~ Syntax: This {etc} ::= That";
Console.WriteLine(uc.GetItemOf("This", 0, true).ReplacementText()); // Returns "That";


      uc.DefineSyntax('This {etc} ::= That');
      // Note that the SkipExpansion arg is set to true for this Syntax construct
      WriteLn(uc.GetItemOf('This', 0, true).Text()); // Returns 'ChangeMulti ~~ Syntax: This {etc} ::= That';
      WriteLn(uc.GetItemOf('This', 0, true).ReplacementText()); // Returns 'That';


uc.DefineSyntax("This {etc} ::= That");
// Note that the SkipExpansion arg is set to true for this Syntax construct
cout << uc.GetItemOf("This", 0, true).Text() << endl; // Returns "ChangeMulti ~~ Syntax: This {etc} ::= That";
cout << uc.GetItemOf("This", 0, true).ReplacementText() << endl; // Returns "That";


uc.DefineSyntax("This {etc} ::= That");
// Note that the SkipExpansion arg is set to true for this Syntax construct
Console::WriteLine(uc.GetItemOf("This", 0, true).Text()); // Returns "ChangeMulti ~~ Syntax: This {etc} ::= That";
Console::WriteLine(uc.GetItemOf("This", 0, true).ReplacementText()); // Returns "That";

DLL import code
<DllImport(uCalcDLL, CharSet:=CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint:="Text")> _

Private Function Text__(ByVal ItemHandle As IntPtr) As IntPtr
End Function
[DllImport(uCalcDLL, CharSet=CharSet.Ansi, CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl, EntryPoint="Text")]

protected static extern  IntPtr Text_(IntPtr ItemHandle);
{DLLImport}function Text__(ItemHandle: System.Pointer):  PAnsiChar; cdecl; external uCalcDLL name 'Text';

typedef const char * (* __Text)(void *ItemHandle); 

[DllImport(uCalcLib, CharSet=CharSet::Ansi, CallingConvention=CallingConvention::Cdecl, EntryPoint = "Text")]

static STR_RETURN Text_(void *  ItemHandle);
See also
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